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  • The University of Texas at Austin
    Peter O'Donnell, Jr. Building (POB)
    Avaya Auditorium, POB 2.302
    201 E 24th St, Austin, TX 78712

    Google maps Location
  • Help yourself in parking
    • UT Parking Garages are the closest to the Forum venue:
      San Jacinto Garage ($18/day)
      Speedway Garage ($18/day)
      City of Austin metered parking all along Dean Keeton St. for approx. $2/hour
      If parked in the San Jacinto Garage, walk south on San Jacinto St. to the intersection of San Jacinto and 24th street (by the Mustang Statue). Walk west on 24th street towards Speedway – the entrance to POB will be on your left before you intersect with Speedway.

Finding the Auditorium

Avaya Auditorium is on street level just off 24th street.

Check-in will be set up just inside the POB entrance off 24th street, and the auditorium is straight down the hall.


Ample signage will be provided to guide our visitors.

Undergraduate Student Invitees

Please note that undergraduate students have been specially invited to audit the talks and panels only and will not be given a lunch pass nor access to the afternoon reception. You may enjoy refreshments during the coffee breaks between sessions.

​If you're attending for extra credit or a class assignment that requires proof of attendance, please note that attendance will not automatically be reported. You may take a paper agenda at Check-In or email us after the event to confirm your attendance.

Contact Us

General inquiries may be sent to: [email protected].

​Please note that we may not be able to immediately respond to emails on the day of the event.